As an Elkhorn area non-profit organization, we depend on community members to help fund our mission, providing Elkhorn area youth athletes and families a great place to play and be active. We know you have several local non-profits to consider when deciding where to allocate your donation and sponsorship dollars. Thank you for thinking of us and for being a part of our mission!
Thank your for supporting your local non-profit youth sports and recreation organization. Your donation is tax deductible and will be applied towards our general fund and making youth sports affordable for all.
To Become a Sponsor:
Click Green Button to the left
Create a household account in Demosphere (if you don't already have one)
Begin a registration by confirming your address.
Click "register a participant/player"
Click your name
Confirm personal information
From the drop down menu of Select a season, please click "Become a Sponsor"
Click continue at the bottom of the screen
-(Continue in next column)
In "parent one" section, in the select drop down, choose yourself and select an option for relationship to participant
Click Save and Continue
Select a sport
Select a level
Upload your logo and/or block lettering info (for jersey and/or website depending on sponsor level)
Input which team(s)/coach/age division you are sponsoring
Review your Sponsorship
Agree to the "Terms and Conditions"
Click "Proceed to the next step" to checkout